All under the splendid sky of Sardinia.

The winery is alive even out of season because nature always takes its course, not only when there is to be harvested or there are visitors for tastings.

Click Here to Book a Tasting at Nuraghe Crabioni Winery

Winemaker Tonino often images those who used to live in these lands two thousand and more years ago. That there were settlements inhabited in these parts, and more generally in all of Sardinia, is testified by the presence of Nuraghe. These prehistoric buildings, built with superimposed stone blocks and held together without the use of mortar, had mainly military and defensive functions.


Wine tastings and tours can be booked at Nuraghe Crabioni in advance.

Tasting Price: Approx: $27.00


This winery is popular among visitors for its beautiful architectural design.

This winery is popular among customers for its history.

This winery offers wine tastings on the property either by walk-in or appointment.

This winery offers wine tours on their property. Either of the winery facility, vineyards and/or cellar space.

Grape Varieties

Wine Styles

  • Dry Red Wines
  • Dry White Wines
  • Sparkling Wines
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